I've compiled these resources that I've found helpful when dispersed camping!
Motor Vehicle Use Maps from the US Forest service
~Scroll down to Motor Vehicle Use Maps and click "PDFs"
This links to an index of maps provided by the US Forest Service that show roads, and regulations regarding the use of vehicles in the respective area you are searching. Select your location from the list provided and follow the links on the selected Forest Service page to the MVUM (Motor Vehicle Use Maps) for your area you plan to explore and camp.
BLM (Bureau of Land Management) Maps
This links to an index of downloadable PDF maps provided by the BLM that can be used with the AVENZA GPS app to identify BLM land more precisely while adventuring. ​
AVENZA GPS Mobile Smartphone App
Iphone Download: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/avenza-maps/id388424049?mt=8
Android Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Avenza&hl=en_US
This handy website is a user contributed database for free campsites. Sites are located and reviewed by actual campers, who have stayed in the spots.
My Vehicle Build/ Modification List
An outline of the modifications I've done to "Camperize" my subaru w/ product links.
My Camp & Tool Kit For Long Term Traveling